📄️ ContextMenuProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.ContextMenu
📄️ MenuProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.Menu.
📄️ MenuItemProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.MenuItem.
📄️ TooltipProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.TooltipWrapper.
📄️ IconComponentProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.IconComponent.
📄️ TextComponentProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.TextComponent.
📄️ ConfirmDialogProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.ConfirmDialog
📄️ PanelSkeletonProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.PanelSkeleton.
📄️ PanelContentProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.PanelContent.
📄️ PanelHeaderProps
Type definition for props of ReactComponent.PanelHeader.